Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

You can find my "Fine Cut" of project 3 here. I think it's crazy that it's already time to turn this project in, it feels like yesterday that I was trying to pick a topic.

Something I want my peer reviewers to know is that I've worked really hard on this essay and this topic is very important to me, so if you find anything that needs fixing (before the 11:59 deadline of course) please tell me! I really want this essay to be the best it can be.

Something I'm worried about is that my sources are not in their properly or that I did not use them to the best that I could. So if anything you see needs to be fixed let me know.

Something I think is a strength is how I set up the paper, I think I have good information that flows in a logical way, making it easy for the reader to follow. I also think I did a good job of establishing credibility because of my personal experiences and describing things like that.

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