Monday, April 4, 2016

Peer Review for Coby Allred

For this blog post I am peer reviewing Coby's content outline for project three. You can find his outline here. For this peer review I will be telling Coby the strengths and weaknesses of his content outline in order to hopefully help him going into production week.

One thing I liked about Coby's content outline was the amount of specific pieces of information he will be using for his evidence. I think that will help him create a very strong argument. Also, talking about what lead up to Awlaki's changes will help the reader understand the situation more.

Something I would suggest, however, would be that in the beginning Coby should explain more of who Awlaki was, rather than just show a clip of his teachings. That will make the video easier to understand from the beginning rather than confusing if someone does not know who he is.

Overall I think Coby has a really good start to his project. All of the information in his content outline is placed in a logical order which will make for a stronger video.

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