Monday, April 4, 2016

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

This blog post is about my peer review for Jake. You can find his outline here. For this peer review I looked at his content outline and will be talking about what he did well as well as what could be improved so the development of his project goes smoothly.

I think that Jake did a great job outlining what he wants to say in his project. He definitely has a lot of ideas and put them in a logical order that will make sense to his audience. He also has strong pieces of evidence for each section which will definitely be helpful for him make his argument stronger.

One thing I would suggest for Jake is to elaborate more on the different kinds of lunches that both the schools and home provides. Just to give a basis for how exactly school lunches are better. Examples like that would definitely strengthen his argument because it will show a direct comparison of how school lunches are more nutritious for kids than homemade lunches.

Overall I think Jake did a great job so far! It seems as though he has a good staring point for what he is planning on doing with this project as well as an interesting topic that will definitely grab people's attention.

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