Sunday, April 10, 2016

Reflection of Production for Project 3

Production week has now concluded. And overall I'm happy with how this project is going. I feel as though I'm more on top of it and I'm getting things done more efficiently. This project definitely seems less stressful than the previous two so I'm obviously very happy and have no complaints about that.


1. What were some of the successes during this week's process work?

The topic I chose has made it very easy to start completing this project because of how strongly I feel about it. While writing my draft I feel as though I have a good handle on this project and that I will do well on it (hopefully).

2. What were some of the challenges during this week's process work?

Honestly, I didn't find any major challenges. The only challenge I could say I had was making sure that I provided good content in my essay while still making it sound interesting. But since I'm writing it as an argument (basically how I've ranted about this to people for so long now) it has been fairly easy.

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

I think next week will go pretty smoothly. The actual draft doesn't have to be posted until next week and I'm already 75% done with it, which definitely takes off some stress and makes me feel more prepared for the week coming up.

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

Overall I'm pretty happy with this project. I love my topic and the genre I chose and I think that everything is going to go pretty well. *knock on wood* probably just jinxed myself. But yeah, I'm content.

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