Saturday, April 2, 2016

Content Outline

This blog post is about how I am going to set up my project in order to actually transform it into a video.
  • An opening section: My essay will begin with a brief explanation of what I will be discussing.
  • At least 3 main body sections:
1. Description of UA Alerts
2. Why it's important
3. Efforts made to reform them 

  • A closing section: Summarize what I talked about as well as tell people how they can help change these alerts as well if they feel strongly about it too.
  • Main idea for each section:

    1. The first section will be a description of what the UA Alerts are supposed to do, as well as what they are actually doing. 
    2. The second section will be a description of why I feel strongly about it as well as things that have happened around campus that should have been reported on. 
    3. The third section will be a description of how other students and I have tried to take action and get these alerts reformed. 

  • Major pieces of evidence for each body section:
    1. The facts I will use will be what the UA Alert website says as well as the actual alerts I have received.
    2. The facts I will use will be reports of crime on the UA Crime "alert" website as well as  articles of crime reports on the daily wildcat.
    3. The facts I will use will be articles posted on the daily wildcat as well as emails I have sent personally in order to attempt reform with these alerts.
  • Summary of what the evidence proves:
    1.The UA Alert website and the alerts received will show that students are not getting all of the alerts that they should be.
    2. These facts will further prove the first point I made.
    3. The third set of facts will prove that students definitely do want these alerts to be reformed.
  • Summary of why that’s important:
    1. This is important because without knowing what the alerts are supposed to do (and what they don't do) the rest of my argument has no meaning.
    2. This is important because it backs up my first argument of things not being reported like they should.
    3. These are important because it shows exactly why students want change and that many students have the same reasonings for wanting the change.
  • Some ideas about how to grab the reader’s attention in the opening section:
    1. I will start off by relating to people at the UA by talking about safety.
    2. I will use music and moving pictures to create an (hopefully) exciting start to the video which will want people to keep watching.
  • Some idea about how to explain the larger significance of your subject in the closing section:
  1. I will talk about the significance by again mentioning safety.
          2. I will also talk about the significance by talking about how in order to increase student safety, more people need to help take a stance on this issue.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly,

    You included a ton of detail in your outline, which hopefully will help you immensely next week when we're in production. I think it's clear that all of the elements of the rhetorical situation are accounted for, and that there is extensive evidence for each of your claims. My only suggestion is to include specific references and citations from outside sources in your outline. Other than that it is very informative already. Good luck on production!

