Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Emily Bond

This blog post is a peer review about the form of Emily Bond's QRG. You can find her project here.

Some strengths of Emily's QRG are the amount of pictures and the color of the QRG as well. There is definitely a good balance between pictures and text which is crucial for a QRG. Also, the pictures are colorful, which makes it even more appealing to look at. I also like how the pictures are off to the side of the text and not just in the middle which adds more variety.

Some suggestions I have:
- Bottom of page 5 the picture (on my computer at least) is halfway off the bottom of the page and therefore cannot be seen.
- Make sure to cite the pictures underneath! Even if you can't put a link for them at least put in small text where you got them from.

Overall I think your QRG looks great! I can tell you put a lot of time into it to make everything flow nicely together. The things above are things that should be changed so you don't get points taken off!

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