Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Benjamen Meyer

This blog post is a peer review of the form of Benjamen Meyer's QRG about the new SAT. You can find his project here.

Some of the strengths of the form of this QRG is the balance between photos and text. I personally don't think one is dominating the other which makes it appealing to the eye as you are reading. Also, the paragraphs are very short which also makes for an easy read and not a dreadful long paragraph of text on the page.

Some things that could be improved:
- More color should be added. Besides the very first picture, everything else on the pages are black and white. Don't get me wrong, the pictures you already have are very interesting, but to make your QRG pop even more, more color should be added.
- Check the spacing between your pictures and the text. Since everything is black and white and since some of the pictures are too close to the text its hard to distinguish what is your writing and what is part of the picture.

Overall I think you did a great job! It looks very clean and I can tell you put a lot of work into it, the changes I gave are just some suggestions to make it even stronger!

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