Sunday, April 24, 2016

Reflection over Project 3

Well, project 3 is now completed and soon to be submitted. It's crazy to me that there is only a few weeks left of this semester and only one project left. I have to say, out of all three project so far, this was my favorite. That's a little ironic to say considering I did the essay for this one, isn't it? I liked this one so much though because of my topic, it was easy for me to get all of my ideas down because I knew so much about it and felt so strongly. Anyways, this post is just some questions to reflect.

1. What were some of the successes during this week's process work?

A success was definitely just writing the paper, I knew the information really well and exactly how I was going to organize it which definitely helped. Also, the editing went smoothly because I had left the draft alone for a few days and was able to come back to it fresh.

2. What were some of the challenges during this week's process work?

A challenge was finding time to get all of this done. This week was one of the busiest weeks I have had all semester with classes, assignments, and outside club activities. That definitely made it difficult to sit down and get everything done but hey, I did it.

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

Well, next week is a new project that I haven't looked at the requirements for yet, so hopefully it will go smoothly.

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

I'm actually very proud of this essay. I worked really hard on it and feel as though I put a lot of valuable and credible information into it as well. I really enjoyed writing about this topic and I hope that it shows through my essay.

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