Thursday, February 4, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

"Business, Success, Winning, Chart" July 2013 via pixabay. Public Domain Dedication

The topic of minimum wage has been a huge controversy across the United States, especially in 2015. The specific instance of this controversy I chose to talk about is the rally in Los Angeles, California on November 10, 2015.

1. Analyze your audience.

My audience can relate to a large variety of people, for different reasons. However the majority of my audience will most likely be people in these minimum-wage jobs looking to find more information on this case. Also, people who are against the raise in the minimum wage, or against raising it as high as being bargained for, may be inclined to look into this. Another majority could be people who just simply do not know much about this topic at all. Just everyday people, with or without jobs, that have heard about the minimum wage controversy on the news, online, etc., and want to have an insight on what its really about.

2. Analyze your purpose.

My purpose for writing this quick reference guide about the minimum wage rally in Los Angeles is to inform my readers about this controversial issue. I want to help people understand that this issue is not simply black and white. I feel as though it is important for people to understand that there are pros and cons to this issue and there is also an issue of what exactly the minimum wage should be raised to. Before people take a stance on this issue they should be informed of all the details of this controversy and my goal and purpose is to do exactly that.

3. Analyze your author (that is, yourself).

Something I can bring to this project is a unique view on the issue. Being only 18 years old gives me a different insight into this because I have not yet had a job but I am applying for one this summer. That being said, I have my different opinions on what should be done, and although it is not my place to share those views in this project, me being in this position makes this topic very interesting for me to research and learn more about. I am the perfect person for this story because I have the ability to look at it from a neutral point of view and therefore represent both sides equally.

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