Friday, February 5, 2016

My Sources

Gerd Altman "Direction, Directory, Away, Decision" December 2015 via pixabay. Public Domain Dedication
Surprisingly, finding valuable sources for this topic was not as difficult or tedious as I believed it was going to be, so that was a very pleasant surprise. All of my sources provide the exact information I need in able to write my quick reference guide for the Los Angeles, California rally about minimum wage on November 10, 2015.

The difficult part of this blog post is formatting, so I just decided to make a list because out of all of my ideas this was the easiest to read and easiest to make, so here it is.

1. LA Times Article

Where- This article was published on the Los Angles Times website. The topic of the article also took place in Los Angeles so it is reasonable for this website to cover the story.

Who- The name of the author of this article is Samantha Masunaga. By clicking on her name directly from this article I found that she joined the Los Angeles Times in 2014 and has worked for other publications such as the Oregonian, the Orange County Register and the Rafu Shimpo. She also completed graduate school in journalism at UCLA.

When- This article came out on the day that the topic I'm writing about happened. The minimum wage rally happened on the morning of November 10, 2015 and this article was written that afternoon. This shows that this source was on top of covering this story basically as it was happening, which was helpful for anyone who wanted to know about it in real time on that day.

What- This source is very valuable to my project because it contains quite a few quotes from different fast-food workers that actually participated in the rally. Also, this source also includes a variety of tweets at the bottom of the article about this event, which is helpful because it shows what other people were thinking as this rally was taking place.

2. KTLA 5 Article

Where- I found this article on KTLA 5 News' website. This website is also based in Los Angeles which means that they very well could have had reporters on the scene covering this story while it was taking place in order to obtain those quotes.

Who- This article had three different contributors. One is CNN Wire, which according to KTLA, is "a partner of KTLA, the CNN Wire service provides national and international coverage of breaking news, politics, health, finance, entertainment, and more." Another contributor is Kareen Wynter who is a general assignment reporter at KTLA. She also worked in Washington, D.C. as a CNN News source correspondent for several years before moving to Los Angeles. The last contributor listed for this article is Jennifer Gould. Gould is an award-winning reporter with KTLA, which she began working at in February of 2009.

When- Like the first article, KTLA covered this story also the day it happened. This gives the source credibility because it was covered in real time rather then after the fact and based off of other sources.

What- The reason this source is beneficial to me and my project is because it not only includes tweets from people directly connected with this rally and quotes from people also in attendance but this source includes video coverage of the rally which will help me in developing my project.

3. NBC LA Article

Where- This domain of this website link says "Los Angeles" however it is more broadly located in Southern California (Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino, etc.) instead of specifically just Los Angeles.

Who- The author listed is Wire Services. However I could not find any information on what exactly this is. When clicking the hyperlink on the NBC 4 website it simply brings me to a search result of all the articles Wire Service has written.

When- Similar to the previous two articles, this story was also published the morning of November 10, 2015. However this article was published at 8am, when the rally was actually taking place, unlike the last two articles that were posted later that afternoon.

What- I feel as though this article will help me with this project because it provides me with two videos involving the rally that I will be able to use. Finding a variety of different types of sources (videos, articles, photos, tweets even, etc.) is important because different sources can provide a different outlook on the story by adding visual and audio elements to the story being told.

4. Reuters Article

Where- This article is not based out of LA but instead is based in New York however it still provides a good account of the events that took place at the minimum wage rally in Los Angeles on November 10, 2015.

Who- The person that wrote this is named Laila Kearney. The Reuters website does not give a direct link to her profile but by searching her name on Google I managed to find her Linkedin page which tells me that she obtained a degree from San Francisco State University.

When- So far all of the articles I have found were written the day this rally took place, just at different times. This specific article was written around 6pm on November 10, 2015, compared to the other articles that were written earlier in the day. However, the articles being written the same day as the event taking places shows that these news sources are on top of important issues that are taking place no matter where in the country.

What- This article is valuable to the development of my project because this article has more statistical information pertaining to what the wage should be raised to rather than simply opinions from people that attended the rally. A huge part of this controversy is also what the wage should be risen to, so this article will definitely help in developing that point of my project.

5. USA Today Article

Where- This is the second article I have found that is not based directly out of Los Angeles or Southern California. USA Today is based in Virginia, but is distributed in all 50 states so it makes sense why they cover issues all around the United States because they are not simply a locally-based newspaper.

Who- Paul Davidson wrote this article and his Twitter states that he is a USA Today reporter that focuses on economics and covers topics concerning jobs, consumer spending, manufacturing, and more. His tweets do not contain personal matters or opinions but mainly consist of links to articles found on the USA Today website.

When- This article was written at almost the exact same time as the article from Reuters. Like I have said about the other sources, this shows that these news stations are focused on releasing information on important and/or controversial stories as soon as possible to keep people informed.

What- I feel as though this might be one of the most valuable sources I have. This is because USA Today is an extremely credible source (it ranks as one of the top news providers along with the New York Times), as well as the article contains a detailed account of what happened as well as a large variety of pictures from the rally in Los Angeles.

6. CBS LA Article

Where- Like the first few news sources I found, this one is also based out of Los Angeles, California. This source is credible because CBS provides accurate information about issues.

Who- After much searching through the entire page that the article was on I still can't find who the author is. I tried looking up the article on the website and still no author was listed. Although no author does not mean not credible, because this article still provides information useful for me and this project.

When- Yet again this article, like the five others previously listed, was also written on November 10, 2015. Compared to the other time stamps this article was written at 11am, while the protest was still going on.

What- This article is beneficial to me and my project because it talks about where exactly the protestors went during this rally. This is important to understand where they were and what they were doing so readers can get a bearing on exactly what was happening and where things were happening on this day.

7. ABC 7 Article

Where- At first I was not sure if this website was based out of Los Angeles or somewhere else. However I simply Googled "ABC 7" and the first few results were Los Angeles. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that they are based there.

Who- The author of this story is Christina Salvo. She obtained a degree from Santa Clara University and interned at ABC7 Eyewitness News during college before beginning to work there as a weekend morning co-anchor and reporter.

When- This source also posted this article on November 10, 2015, when the rally took place in Los Angeles, California. The only difference between the time/date stamp on this article compared to the others is that this article does not have a time.

What- I believe that this article will be beneficial for me while I'm writing my quick reference guide because it not only has valuable information but also includes direct quotes from individuals involved in the rally as well as two videos.

8. Fight For 15 Photos

Where- These photos are found directly on the Fight For 15 website. Fight For 15 is the organization that all of the cities protesting for a higher minimum wage take part in. Therefore this source is very reliable because it is the most directly-linked source I found to this controversy.

Who- Since this is not an article, there is no true author. There are different photo credits given to the six pictures shown, but that's about it. As I looked into who took the photos and/or who contributed the photos, I found that they were mostly from news sites or the Five For 15 itself directly.

When- These photos were all taken during the rallies that took place in Los Angeles, California on November 10, 2015.

What- Having photos as a source is something very beneficial and people may not realize that. They are beneficial because instead of just reading about what happened, you can actually see what happened. Instead of reading what the signs said, you can see what they said. This is beneficial because readers can then look at those photos and put writing to a picture to have a more clear representation of what actually happened.

9. Fight For 15 Article

Where- Now, this is not exactly an article but a list of screen captures of tweets that pertained to the rally that took place in Los Angeles. However I still consider this a source because these tweets shown on this page were posted during the rally.

Who- The majority of these tweets were posted by the Fight For 15 Twitter or other verified Twitter accounts.

When- As I stated above, all of the tweets on this Fight For 15 page were posted (or Tweeted) on the day of the rally, November 10, 2015.

What- I feel as though tweets can be a beneficial source, if valid, because they are posted by someone who is not a news reporter and not someone giving a quote to a news reporter. Twitter is a place people can post their thoughts without feeling "censored" in a sense.

10. Telesur Article

Where- This article I found on Telesur. To be honest, when I found this article I had no idea what Telesur was. So I went on to the main page to see what other kinds of articles this website writes about. I found that this website talks about specific issues around the world in a huge variety of countries.

Who- Searching through this article I could not find an author or credit of any kind given to somewhere listed anywhere.

When- This article, as well as the other nine I found, was published on November 10, 2015.

What- This source is valuable to me because it is not only an informational article but also contains tweets from different sources from the day of the rally, as well as other videos and photos.

After gathering all of my sources and looking deeper into them I feel more prepared and comfortable with these articles.

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