Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

"Stress, Word-Art, Depression" October 2015 via pixabay. Public domain dedication

At last project 1 is finished. After a long few weeks of working on this QRG, I can finally say I'm done. This project was definitely something new for me, writing a QRG and blogging for all my peers to see, but I feel as though the blogs especially were beneficial for my writing because it helped me add more personality into my blog posts instead of straight facts.

The two pictures I added represent me at the beginning/middle of this project and at the end. The stress is obviously how I felt during while I was getting everything done. The second picture represents this blog post. The last puzzle piece to this entire project. With this now posted, the entire picture of project 1 has been put together.

1. How are you feeling about the project you just submitted for assessment? Give me your raw, unvarnished opinion of your own project overall.

Honestly, I think I did well on this project. I worked extremely hard on it this entire week because I obviously wanted to do well. And I think I did. For my first time writing a QRG, I'm proud of what I have accomplished. Going into the second project I will definitely be more prepared for the work load and will have a better handle on getting things done more efficiently.

2. What are the major weaknesses of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be weak or under-developed.

One weakness is the design of my QRG, I think I did alright with that, but it isn't perfect. It was definitely harder than I thought to add more color, art, etc., to make it interesting. But I'm hoping what I did is enough because I still do think it looks clean and professional. One other weakness would be my lack of quotes, I wish I would have added in a few more quotes from stakeholders at the rally. However I did add two and I explained the main stakeholder in a lot of detail so I think that will hopefully make up for that.

3. What are the major strengths of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be strong or well-developed.

A strength I am very confident in is the information I provided in my QRG. I think I was very detailed in explaining the controversy, the pros and cons of the controversy and the stakeholders while still being unbiased. Also, I feel as though I was able to place my information in a logical way that makes sense while you read it. It isn't all over the place, it flows nicely and is easy to follow along like a story in a sense.

4. What do you think of how you practiced time management for Project 1? Did you put enough time and effort into the project? Did you procrastinate and wait till the last minute to work on things? Share any major time management triumphs or fails.... 

I will admit, I did put some things off during this project, but that does not mean any less effort went into it. Every task in this project, from the planning, to the blog posts, to the project draft and final itself, I put 100% of my effort into in order to do the best job I could. One thing with time management though was I noticed myself focusing more on the blog posts and getting those done and doing well on them rather than the actual project. Thankfully I noticed that before it was too late and I ran out of time so I was still able to spend a lot of time on my QRG and work on it until I was happy with the result.

Willi Heidelbach "Puzzle, Match, Fit, Missing, Hole"
August 2009 via pixabay. Public domain dedication

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