Sunday, February 21, 2016

Pronoun Usage

"Pencil, Happy, Jumping, School" October 2013
via pixabay. Public domain dedication
After examining every pronoun in my project I learned something about my writing style and how specific I am when it comes to writing about people and places. Also, I added this picture of a pencil because it made me laugh. Why? I don't know. But I included it anyway. The end.

1. Based on your analysis, how effective is your pronoun usage in Project 1? What does actively examining your pronoun usage tell you about your writing style?

I feel as though my pronoun usage is effective and not overbearing. I did not have too large of a number of pronouns throughout my draft, meaning that I was more specific when describing people, places, etc., by saying exactly what they are.

2. Are there any instances in your project where you speak to or refer directly to the audience? If not, why not?

In my project, I did not directly refer to the audience. In my personal writing style, I tend to not use "you" a lot unless it is relevant. This is because I do not feel it necessary to use "you" in many writing situations. For this project specifically, I am simply informing people about the issue I chose to talk about. Because I am giving facts in an interesting way (I hope) I did not find any place to use "you" that would have fit well into my project.

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