Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review

I peer reviewed Missy's amazing QRG about children with disabilities in school and here is the rubric for it!

One thing that I noticed on her QRG is that some things are a little cramped together, so I will be sure to go back and make sure mine is not. Also I noticed hers did not have much color to it, which I don't think mine does either so that is something else I will change!

Something I really liked is how clean it was laid out and was extremely easy to find what information was placed where with her use of subheadings. The other thing I really liked was how she seemed to tell a story with her QRG, instead of just listing information.

Overall she did an amazing job!
Gerd Altman "Quality, Hook, Check Mark" October 2014 via pixabay. Public domain dedication

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