Friday, February 12, 2016

Peer Review #2

I peer reviewed Chandler Gillette's college essay as well as Erin McCabes QRG. You can find the rubric for Chandler here and for Erin here.


1. What did you learn about your own project by comparing drafts of the same project in different genres?

Something I learned by looking at both a QRG and a standard college essay is that I think I need to add more of my own personality into my draft, I think I just stated facts too often, but I will have to go back and see.

2. Top three issues or problems with your draft?

One issue is definitely formatting, I still need to go add more color to make it more appealing to the eye at first site.

The second issue is content. I need to add more about my stakeholders that were part of/at the event into my draft rather than just the event specifically.

The last thing is organization. I feel as though I need to rearrange where I put what facts/ideas so it flows better together and is easier to read.

3. Top three strengths of your draft?

One strength is my content. Besides the stakeholders, I feel as though I have a lot of very strong factual and interesting information.

Another strength is I feel as though I represented both sides of my controversy as well with some of my subheadings within my QRG.

The final strength is my pictures. I found some great pictures that relate to my controversy that easily illustrate what I am trying to talk about.

Now that I have learned more about my QRG and received some feedback from my peers it's time to get to revising. Hence the picture below.

Gerd Altman "Display Panel, Timeline, Ad, Saying" September 2014 via pixabay. Public domain dedication

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