Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Setting

"McDonald, Refreshment, Food" November 2015 via pixabay. Public domain dedication

The rally in Los Angeles, California on November 10, 2015 took place in Downton L.A. and went all the way to Oakland, California. More specifically, the protest began at a McDonald's in Downton Los Angeles and the protestors then marched to the City hall.

The scene of this protest was very lively. There were thousands of people participating. All of which were carrying signs, banners, and even giant purple and green balloons with a "15" painted onto them. The people that attended this protest/rally were just about everyone that has a minimum wage job. However a large majority of those people in attendance were fast-food workers.

Shouting, yelling, and chanting are just some of the noises happening during that rally. The most popular chant heard there that day was "what do we want, 15, when do we want it, now." Protestors definitely made their point heard, literally, by parading through the streets letting everyone know that they are not backing down until they achieve what they want.

Looking around this protest you would see people of all working ages, from teenagers to senior citizens. The majority of these people are struggling moms and dads that are working to provide food, clothes, etc., for their families.

That being said it definitely was a tense atmosphere as protestors marched into different McDonalds and up to the City Hall hoping to achieve their goal of changing California's minimum wage to $15.

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