Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

Gerd Altman "Tree, Structure, Networks, Internet"
October 2013 via pixabay. Public domain dedication

So, this post I had to tweak a bit to better represent my interviewees. Because while talking to them about social media, I realized that they do not use social media, basically at all. That being said, I did what I could with this topic of the post.

1. What are the names of each interviewee and which social media networks were you able to find each of them on?

Dr. Levy- As stated above, my interviewees rarely/never use social media. However, I was able to find a Facebook page for Dr. Levy. Actually I found two, one saying he works at Northwestern University (his previous job), and one saying he works at University of Arizona. Both with basically the same friends. Therefore, this backs him saying to me that he rarely uses it and doesn't really understand Facebook considering he made two accounts.

Dr. Harvey- Dr. Harvey does not have any social media that I could find, which I expected because he told me that he uses no social media at all.

2. How would you describe each interviewee's social media presence?

Considering they do not use social media I will explain instead what each of my interviewees think about social media/why they do not use it.

Dr. Levy just does not have time for it, he says. He doesn't see a point in it but knows that's what people use, which is the only reason he has a Facebook so he can keep in touch with his family.

Dr. Harvey is definitely opposed to social media. I came to this conclusion after talking my interview with him and hearing his responses to my questions. He thinks that social media is a waste of time, pointless, and makes people 2-dimensional. He believes that there is nothing valuable to come out of social media, which I personally disagree with, but hey, to each their own.

3. Now return to the piece that this author published in the academic journal (from Blog Posts 6.2). How does their persona on social media differ from their persona in the pages of the academic journal?

Because they do not have a social media presence, I cannot make a comparison to different types of personas they may have. So basically that's all I have for this question.

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