Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

Gerd Altman "News, Globe, Earth, World" August 2014 via pixabay. Public domain dedication

Finding these news stories was not too difficult. It was difficult to find local, California, news stories about the minimum wage around that time because the Los Angeles protest was the main event relating to the minimum wage at that time. However I pushed forward and managed to find stories in each of the three categories that related more or less to my general topic.

Local News Stories:

One news story I found pertained to the controversy I am focusing on, however, was not at the specific rally (but same day) that my project is about. This news story talks about how Bernie Sanders joining the minimum wage protestors in their strike to obtain a $15 minimum.

Another article I found took place in April, seven months before the protest I am focusing on. However, this article is still relevant to my controversy because it was set up by same group (Fight For $15) as the November protest.

National News Stories:

On November 10, 2015 (the same day as my controversy) another protest took place in New York City. This protest was organized by the same group as the Los Angeles protest, Fight For $15. This relates to my story because the protest in Los Angeles that I'm focusing on was only one of 270 cities across the nation that took place that day.

The second story I found is the same concept as the one above, but in a different city. This particular protest/story took place in Boston, Massachusetts. Finding different stories about similar protests on the same day as the Los Angeles strike shows just how committed these workers are to getting a $15 minimum.

Global News Stories:

One interesting news story that relates to the minimum wage globally was in Nigeria. However in this story, protestors are no longer going on strike to raise their minimum wage. Instead, they are now protesting because, although a new minimum wage bill was passed, few workers are now being paid the new amount.

Zimbabwe is also having minimum wage problems, where currently workers in minimum wage jobs are only receiving $170 a month. Protestors are trying to obtain as much as $350 a month, which is still below the poverty minimum wage of $500 a month.

Final Thoughts:

Reading about these minimum wage problems in other countries really put the minimum wage issue here in a different perspective. Around the world, countries are paying their workers less than even $5 per hour. Some of those countries include Mexico, Poland, Austria, and so many more. Now, I'm not saying that the United States should not still work on raising the minimum wage, but I just found that surprising information to come across.

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