Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Interview Subjects

I feel so ahead of the game because I've already done my two interviews. This makes me feel more prepared and less stressed for Project 2 (so far) so I am ready to get the ball rolling on this and get working.

1. The names of the two people you're scheduled to interview for Project 2.

The first person I interviewed was Dr. Sidney Levy.

The second person I interviewed was Michael Harvey.

2. The names of the organization(s) your interviewees work for, as well as their job titles.

Dr. Levy works in the Eller College of Management here at the U of A mainly as a researcher and stand in professor for a few classes each semester. However, he no longer teaches semester long classes.

Dr. Harvey is a senior lecturer also in the Eller College of Management.

3. Any higher education degree that your interviewees hold and the names of the institutions that issued them.

Dr. Levy's highest level of education was a PH.D from the University of Chicago.

Dr. Harvey also has a PH.D. but from the University of Arizona.

4. How many years your interviewees have worked in the field professionally.

Dr. Levy has worked in the marketing field for over 40 years now, as a professor, researcher, author, and more.

Dr. Harvey has worked in the marketing field for over 20 years.

5. If you can, provide photos or images of the two interviewees (identify them with captions), as well as hyperlinks to their professional website(s) or home page(s).

Dr. Levy. Picture from Eller website.
Main Eller page here.
Dr. Harvey. Picture from Eller website.
Main Eller page here.

6. The date, time & location of your scheduled interview.

I interviewed Dr. Levy at 1pm on Monday February 22, 2016 in his office in the McClelland Hall marketing department, room 320G.

I interviewed Dr. Harvey also on Monday February 22, 2016 at McClelland Hall at 3pm in his office.

7. A list of 8 to 12 interview questions (for each interviewee) that are written specifically to reflect the interviewee's background, position and publication history.

Here are the 10 same questions I asked both interviewees. After these 10, there are two listed by each interviewees name that I asked them specifically to reflect them.

1. How would you describe your role/position here at Eller?
2. What are the most common writing genres that you write in on a daily basis?
3. What kind of role does social media play in your job?
4. How has your writing process changed over your career?
5. What do you think the most important step of your writing process is?
6. Is there anything about professional communication that students or young people getting into this field should know?
7. Where do you like to write?
8. What is your favorite genre to write in?
9. Do you prefer to type or hand write your work?
10. Would you mind me emailing you a few follow up questions in the next week if I were to have some?

Dr. Levy:

1. I noticed that you are titled as a "Coca Cola distinguished professor," what does that mean?
2. I noticed that you've written a number of books, articles, poetry, etc., could you tell me about some of those?

Mr. Harvey-

1. You said you prefer to hand write your work, how does that help your writing process?
2. Tell me more about the external audiences you communicate in Australia and Croatia, what is that like?

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