Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Content Outline

This blog post's purpose is to answer the question "How are you going to organize your project?" Well, that's a good question. Truthfully I hadn't thought about that until now so this assignment is very beneficial in helping me get organized and prepared for production week.

Note: This is a very rough outline and will probably change as I develop my project more. However this is just a starting point for my podcast to get the ball rolling.

  • Opening Section
    • Intro and outro music
    • Explain the topic - writing genres in marketing
    • Briefly introduce genres as the main topics for the podcast
    • Set up podcast like a radio show - casual, laid back, informative
    • Mention "special guests" (aka interviews I recorded)
  • Section 1 - What genres are used in the marketing field and why they are used
    • Emails - used for communicating with internal and external audiences in their profession
    • Academic articles - written for websites (ex. Professors or leaders of a division at a university write articles on their specific university affiliated website), academic journals, newspapers, books, etc.
    • Books - written about a variety of different topics within the marketing world
  • Section 2 - Examples of these genres
    • Not sure about examples of emails yet, will revisit this soon
    • Academic articles - examples my interviewees showed me as well as examples I found online by my interviewees as well as other professionals in marketing
    • Books - examples will be shown the same was as academic articles
  • Section 3 - Why these genres are important
    • Basis for marketing world
    • Helps people staring out in marketing get a handle on the profession
    • Other professionals can use/cite these professionals' articles and books for their research and/or academic purposes
  • Closing Section
    • Talk about advice my interviewees gave me relating to younger students and/or professionals getting started in the marketing field
    • Revisit why this is an important thing to know

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