Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Nicholas Hoover

This blog post is a peer review I conducted for Nicholas Hoover's quick reference guide. I decided to peer review this one because since I did a QRG for the las project, I hope I can give some helpful tips on what he can add/improve on his.

This peer review will be about form and the appearance of the QRG.

I think that most of the QRG looks nice, the pictures he has already included are colorful and add a nice pop to the page that they're on. Also, I like how the pictures are to the side but incorporated into the text and not separating the text (if that makes sense, I hope).

Some suggestions I do have:

1. I would add some more pictures, especially to the last few pages of your QRG. The first few pages have nice, colorful pictures but then towards the bottom it's all just black and white.

2. I would add some creativity to the title if you can (I know titles are difficult) but it would draw people in by having something creative yet still informative as the first thing they see.

3.  Your subheads throughout the QRG aren't consistent. Some of them are bigger than others and some look bolded while others aren't, but that could just be the font varying in size. Subheads typically shouldn't be the same size as your title, the title should be the biggest piece of text and the subheads should be slightly smaller so they can still be seen but aren't overwhelming.

4. I would strongly suggest adding a bulleted section for information that you think is really important. A bulleted section will draw the readers eye to it because it won't blend in with the rest of the text.

Overall I think you did a great job, just work on the form of those last couple pages and it'll look great! The first ones already do with the pops of color.

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