Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Schedule

The main question I will be addressing in this blog post is "how are you going to manage your time and get everything done next week?"

I am actually very happy with the blog posts assigned this week because I think they are beneficial to me because they are helping me get organized and have a real plan going into this project which will (hopefully) help me not stress out as much.

Below is my list of things to accomplish during production week.

Production Report 8a:

When- I will be working on this part of production week on Wednesday evening and fishing it hopefully that night or Thursday afternoon at the latest. I am trying to get most of production week done before I go home Thursday night for spring break.

Location- This step of production will be completed form my comfy dorm bed.

Resources- My computer and audio obtained from interviewees.

Production Report 8b:

When- I will be working on this part of production week on Wednesday evening and fishing it hopefully that night or Thursday afternoon at the latest. I am trying to get most of production week done before I go home Thursday night for spring break.

Location- This step of production will also be completed form my comfy dorm bed.

Resources- Same as 8a.

Reflection on Production:

When- This part of production week I will be working on starting Thursday and will have it finished by Friday night.

Location- I will (thankfully) be home at this point so this will be completed in some room of my house. More thank likely in my bed though.

Resources- My computer, podcast draft, own knowledge, and other things I may be forgetting.

Open Post to Peer Reviewers:

When- This final step of production week will be worked on Thursday-Saturday and will be finished hopefully by Saturday night.

Location- Same as the reflection.

Resources- My computer and podcast draft as well as my own knowledge.

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