Sunday, March 13, 2016

Podcast Rough Draft

Here it is! The rough cut of my podcast. And let me emphasize the word "rough." This podcast is in no way ready to be turned in as a final cut. But hey, that's what the rough draft is about.

Right now all this is is me talking about the main points I'm going to expand on in my final podcast. I have yet to add the music or an actual intro or conclusion. I'm aware it ends awkwardly but don't worry, that'll be fixed before the final is due.

With this draft all I really need help on is what more I need to talk about, besides the points I've listed. And the points I briefly mentioned in this draft will be expanded on later.

Also, I have further developed my script since I have recorded this draft of the podcast so it will obviously be much longer next time I record/upload.

Anyways, that's about it. Enjoy my rough cut of my podcast.

 You can find the (extremely) rough draft of my podcast here.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly!
    Your podcast Rough Cut sounded pretty good. As for content, are you only presenting one example of each of the genres? Maybe including two or even three would help give the audience a better feel of each of the genres you chose to rehtorically analyze. You do a really good job of being detailed and have a nice natural flow all throughout the cut. AS for citation, are you only doing it verbally or are you planning on including a written document with sites where you can find the genre examples and music/ sound effects used? Just a friendly reminder in case you forgot, it looks great so far!
