Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9b

Here is the snippet from my rough cut and here is the same snippet of the revised version.

*Note* in the actual final version there is soft music playing in the background of the entire podcast. The revised snippet does not have that because I'm too afraid to mess up my final podcast by trying to figure out how to upload just a snippet onto my soundcloud, so i re-recorded the same section in the exact same way that will be present in the final version as well.


1. How did the content change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

I definitely changed the content of this brief snippet because the first one was so oddly worded. But really though, I cringed when I listened to the old one. I definitely made the re-edited version easier to understand and less, well, sloppy sounding.

2. How did the form change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

The main thing is that at in the rough cut I noticed it skipped and repeated at the end? Maybe that was just me, my soundcloud is all messed up on my computer tonight. Anyways, I just like how this section sounds now rather than the first one overall.

Overall I'm very happy with the changes I've been making to my podcast and I found these blog posts very helpful to see how I've improved even from these 20 second snippets.

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