Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection of my Podcast

Well, project two has finally come to an end. Is it just me or does it seem like we just finished project one? This semester is going by way too fast. Anyways, here is my reflection of how I thought this week went.

1. What were some of the successes during this week's process work?

I feel like my time management with making my script was a huge success. Personally, I couldn't ad-lib a podcast like this so I made a script. I worked on it a little more each day so I could start it with a fresh and clear mind each time. I think I did pretty well with that and I'm hoping other people agree.

2. What were some of the challenges during this week's process work?

One word. GarageBand. Four words. I don't get it. Kidding, kind of. But no it definitely took some time to figure out exactly how to use that dang thing and how to upload it to soundcloud, which I never successfully did, hence why I just re-recorded the exact sections from my podcast on soundcloud. At least I was able to upload it to D2L. That's what really matters.

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

When we start project three next week I will definitely try to plan farther ahead to make sure I don't have any problems throughout the next project. Not that I had any problems necessarily with this project but with GarageBand. For next project (assuming I might do a video? Not sure) I want to have a better understanding of the programing I'm using before production week begins.

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

Overall I feel pretty good about this project. I think I had some good information that I conveyed pretty well and I think I picked some catchy music that went well with the tone I was trying to achieve in the podcast. Fun fact: The background music I used is titled "Good Morning and Here's a Cup of Joe." Made me laugh. I'm tired and going to stop rambling now. Anyway, I feel pretty good about this project and ready to take on the next.

Editorial Report 9b

Here is the snippet from my rough cut and here is the same snippet of the revised version.

*Note* in the actual final version there is soft music playing in the background of the entire podcast. The revised snippet does not have that because I'm too afraid to mess up my final podcast by trying to figure out how to upload just a snippet onto my soundcloud, so i re-recorded the same section in the exact same way that will be present in the final version as well.


1. How did the content change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

I definitely changed the content of this brief snippet because the first one was so oddly worded. But really though, I cringed when I listened to the old one. I definitely made the re-edited version easier to understand and less, well, sloppy sounding.

2. How did the form change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

The main thing is that at in the rough cut I noticed it skipped and repeated at the end? Maybe that was just me, my soundcloud is all messed up on my computer tonight. Anyways, I just like how this section sounds now rather than the first one overall.

Overall I'm very happy with the changes I've been making to my podcast and I found these blog posts very helpful to see how I've improved even from these 20 second snippets.

Editorial Report 9a

Here is the snippet from my rough cut and here is the same snippet of the revised version.

*Note* in the actual final version there is soft music playing in the background of the entire podcast. The revised snippet does not have that because I'm too afraid to mess up my final podcast by trying to figure out how to upload just a snippet onto my soundcloud, so i re-recorded the same section in the exact same way that will be present in the final version as well.


1. How did the content change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

The only thing that really changed content wise was I slightly reworded some things. I think this made it sound better and more clear for the listener.

2. How did the form change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

A main thing is I didn't stutter and mess up on my words in this edited version like I did in the rough cut one. Obviously that makes it sound more professional and not as sloppy. I also think (hope) I added more personality into my voice.

Overall I think I made this section sound better and more clear which hopefully will sound interesting to my listeners.

Peer Review for Nicholas Hoover

This blog post is a peer review I conducted for Nicholas Hoover's quick reference guide. I decided to peer review this one because since I did a QRG for the las project, I hope I can give some helpful tips on what he can add/improve on his.

This peer review will be about form and the appearance of the QRG.

I think that most of the QRG looks nice, the pictures he has already included are colorful and add a nice pop to the page that they're on. Also, I like how the pictures are to the side but incorporated into the text and not separating the text (if that makes sense, I hope).

Some suggestions I do have:

1. I would add some more pictures, especially to the last few pages of your QRG. The first few pages have nice, colorful pictures but then towards the bottom it's all just black and white.

2. I would add some creativity to the title if you can (I know titles are difficult) but it would draw people in by having something creative yet still informative as the first thing they see.

3.  Your subheads throughout the QRG aren't consistent. Some of them are bigger than others and some look bolded while others aren't, but that could just be the font varying in size. Subheads typically shouldn't be the same size as your title, the title should be the biggest piece of text and the subheads should be slightly smaller so they can still be seen but aren't overwhelming.

4. I would strongly suggest adding a bulleted section for information that you think is really important. A bulleted section will draw the readers eye to it because it won't blend in with the rest of the text.

Overall I think you did a great job, just work on the form of those last couple pages and it'll look great! The first ones already do with the pops of color.

Peer Review for Evan Rosser

The first peer review I am conducting is Evan Rosser's podcast. Evan posted a script of his podcast instead of audio because he was having technical difficulties uploading the audio, however the actual script made it easier for me to peer review it.

I decided to do a peer review based on content for his rough cut because without hearing the actual podcast, I could not accurately judge the form.

As I read through Evan's podcast script I felt as though he did an excellent job explaining the genre of science writing he decided to focus on. It was very informative and had a lot of specific details within it. Also, Evan also wrote in where music would be inserted, he is using different music for two transitions, which I thought was a good idea and something I may try to incorporate into my project.

A couple of content suggestions I have for Evan:

1. I would explain a bit about what exactly the "specs and slide desks" are before you jump right into the technical part of it (can't think of a better way to phrase that, hopefully you get what I mean)

2. Also, where you mention the pseudocode and java codes, I would explain a bit more about exactly what a pseudocode is, just to give the listener a basis for what you're talking about.

3. I like how you talked about how the specs and slide desks are relevant to you but I would also talk more about how these specs and slide desks are used in the professional world as well. Maybe find some examples to talk about? Or talk more about how your interviewee used them.

Overall I think he did a great job!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Podcast Rough Draft

Here it is! The rough cut of my podcast. And let me emphasize the word "rough." This podcast is in no way ready to be turned in as a final cut. But hey, that's what the rough draft is about.

Right now all this is is me talking about the main points I'm going to expand on in my final podcast. I have yet to add the music or an actual intro or conclusion. I'm aware it ends awkwardly but don't worry, that'll be fixed before the final is due.

With this draft all I really need help on is what more I need to talk about, besides the points I've listed. And the points I briefly mentioned in this draft will be expanded on later.

Also, I have further developed my script since I have recorded this draft of the podcast so it will obviously be much longer next time I record/upload.

Anyways, that's about it. Enjoy my rough cut of my podcast.

 You can find the (extremely) rough draft of my podcast here.

Reflection of Project 2 Podcast (Thus Far)

Production week of project 2 is now finished. This blog post is just to reflect on the week and prepare myself for this week leading up to post-production.

1. What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work?

A success of this week is that I definitely got the basis down for my podcast. Is it perfect? No. It is complete to the degree I want it? No. However this week called for a "rough cut" and although it is definitely that, fear not. I have much more to add that will probably be added before post-production week begins.

2. What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work?

Some of the challenges of this week was getting everything done. Hence the extremely rough cut. With midterms and trying to pack up to go home, it was difficult for me to lengthen the podcast more than it already is. But like I said before, I have a good plan of what is to be added in the upcoming weeks before the final product is due.

3. How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

Although post-production will require a lot of editing and adding to my podcast, I feel as though it will go smoother than this week because I do now have a plan and I know what to add and now that I am familiar with the audio-editing equipment I will be able to edit things more easily.

4. How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

Overall I feel a little stressed but not too much. I still have quite a few aspects to add to this podcast so I will be able to not only lengthen the time of it but also add more quality content as well.

Production Report Part 2

The part of my Content Outline that pertains to this snippet is found under the introduction section as well, but I will be changing that later on as I rearrange my Content Outline to better fir the ideas I now have for my podcast. However, this is what it as listed as now:

  • Mention "special guests" (aka audio of my interviews)

You can find the second snippet of my podcast here.

Personally I like this snippet. I think it is a good start to talking about my interviewees (I have a section for each of them similar to this but just included this one for the purposes of this blog post) and their writings. I am hoping it also sets up a bit of credibility about them but I also might go back and talk more about their experience to further that credibility.

Production Report Part 1

The part of my Content Outline that pertains to this snippet is part of the introduction:

  • Explain the topic - writing genres in marketing

You can find the first snippet of my podcast here.

Although this is a very short and very broad sounding snippet of my podcast, it is something I will be including to further introduce the topic of my podcast. I tried to make this sound like the beginning of a conversation (because that's kind of what a podcast is) instead of a boring lecture. So I'm hoping I was able to do that.

Although this snippet does not say much, I decided to use this as one of mine because it is the first thing I recorded and will be used to further develop my podcast throughout this week before post-production.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection on the Beginnings of Project 2

This blog post's purpose is simply to reflect on this past week and look forward into next week's work.

What were some of the successes during this week's process work?

A success of this week was not feeling any stress. I felt on top of the content of the blog posts and was able to get organized by using the content outline and the schedule of things to accomplish.

What were some of the challenges during this week's process work?

A challenge was figuring out what I will end up talking about in my podcast that I am going to start recording this week. I feel as though I have an idea but getting all of the bits and pieces together will be the challenge.

How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?

Next week will be challenging. I leave on Thursday night to go home for spring break and am wanting to get a lot of production week done before I go home. However I still have other homework and tests so I am going to do the best I can but I am worrying about getting everything done. I know I will, but yeah, stress.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

Besides the stress of getting everything done, I feel fine about the project. I think I have good points to talk about and I got good information from my interviewees which I will be able to use a lot of in my podcast.

Production Schedule

The main question I will be addressing in this blog post is "how are you going to manage your time and get everything done next week?"

I am actually very happy with the blog posts assigned this week because I think they are beneficial to me because they are helping me get organized and have a real plan going into this project which will (hopefully) help me not stress out as much.

Below is my list of things to accomplish during production week.

Production Report 8a:

When- I will be working on this part of production week on Wednesday evening and fishing it hopefully that night or Thursday afternoon at the latest. I am trying to get most of production week done before I go home Thursday night for spring break.

Location- This step of production will be completed form my comfy dorm bed.

Resources- My computer and audio obtained from interviewees.

Production Report 8b:

When- I will be working on this part of production week on Wednesday evening and fishing it hopefully that night or Thursday afternoon at the latest. I am trying to get most of production week done before I go home Thursday night for spring break.

Location- This step of production will also be completed form my comfy dorm bed.

Resources- Same as 8a.

Reflection on Production:

When- This part of production week I will be working on starting Thursday and will have it finished by Friday night.

Location- I will (thankfully) be home at this point so this will be completed in some room of my house. More thank likely in my bed though.

Resources- My computer, podcast draft, own knowledge, and other things I may be forgetting.

Open Post to Peer Reviewers:

When- This final step of production week will be worked on Thursday-Saturday and will be finished hopefully by Saturday night.

Location- Same as the reflection.

Resources- My computer and podcast draft as well as my own knowledge.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Content Outline

This blog post's purpose is to answer the question "How are you going to organize your project?" Well, that's a good question. Truthfully I hadn't thought about that until now so this assignment is very beneficial in helping me get organized and prepared for production week.

Note: This is a very rough outline and will probably change as I develop my project more. However this is just a starting point for my podcast to get the ball rolling.

  • Opening Section
    • Intro and outro music
    • Explain the topic - writing genres in marketing
    • Briefly introduce genres as the main topics for the podcast
    • Set up podcast like a radio show - casual, laid back, informative
    • Mention "special guests" (aka interviews I recorded)
  • Section 1 - What genres are used in the marketing field and why they are used
    • Emails - used for communicating with internal and external audiences in their profession
    • Academic articles - written for websites (ex. Professors or leaders of a division at a university write articles on their specific university affiliated website), academic journals, newspapers, books, etc.
    • Books - written about a variety of different topics within the marketing world
  • Section 2 - Examples of these genres
    • Not sure about examples of emails yet, will revisit this soon
    • Academic articles - examples my interviewees showed me as well as examples I found online by my interviewees as well as other professionals in marketing
    • Books - examples will be shown the same was as academic articles
  • Section 3 - Why these genres are important
    • Basis for marketing world
    • Helps people staring out in marketing get a handle on the profession
    • Other professionals can use/cite these professionals' articles and books for their research and/or academic purposes
  • Closing Section
    • Talk about advice my interviewees gave me relating to younger students and/or professionals getting started in the marketing field
    • Revisit why this is an important thing to know