Monday, May 2, 2016

Research Report

This blog post pertains to the 10 sources I will be using to develop my project in the upcoming weeks. For this topic it is difficult to find 10 sources to use but I did my best with what I had. Even if I do not have 10 excellent sources I think I can still make a good argument for this project because of how strongly I feel about this topic.

Also, even though I am doing a video essay for this project, I am unable to find any videos about this topic because of how specific it is. Since it is such a local issue no one has made a video about it.

1. Source: The UA Alert information page. This webpage is copyrighted by the "Arizona Board of Regents." This webpage can be found off of the main University of Arizona website.

Author: There is no specific author listed for this webpage, but as stated above, it is copyrighted by the "Arizona Board of Regents." Obviously, however, this information was provided and written by someone at the university. Although there is no listed author, this is a reliable source because I am talking about UA Alerts and the official page for the alerts is extremely reliable and beneficial to my project.

Target audience: The target audience of this webpage is anyone wanting to learn more about the UA Alert system. Typically this would be students, faculty, or parents because no one else would really need to know what is happening on campus.

Main purpose: The main purpose of this webpage is to inform people of what the UA Alerts (are supposed to) do. For example, one of the FAQ's listed is "What types of events activate the UA Alert text messaging system?" Another question asked is "How do I sign up for UA Alert?" These questions show that the information provided on this website is about the UA Alert system.

Contextual details: A main contextual detail that proves that this is a reliable source is the fact that it is directly affiliated with the University of Arizona.

2. Source: My personal emails

Author: Me

Target audience: The person I sent the email to (Chris Sigurdson)

Main purpose: To obtain more information about the UA Alerts and why they weren't working

Contextual details: I emailed Chris about the UA Alerts and concerns I had about them, he replied with an unsatisfactory response, and when I responded again, I was ignored.

3. Source: Event that happened across the street from campus (shooting)

Author: Different news stations and social media

Target audience: People around the UA campus

Main purpose: To inform about the shooting that took place

Contextual details: I am using this as a source because the UA Alert system did not notify students about this incident when the website said that it should.

4. Source: Another event that happened on campus (sexual assault)

Author: Crime tab on UA website

Target audience: Whoever can locate that tab themselves

Main purpose: To inform about crimes on campus

Contextual details: I found this information on a "crime alert" tab on the UAPD website, however this tab does not actually alert anyone to anything.

5. Source: Event on campus (robbery at knife point at building on campus)

Author: Crime alert tab

Target audience: Same as #4

Main purpose: Same as #4

Contextual details: Same as #4

6. Source: Articles on the Daily Wildcat website

Author: Different students around campus

Target audience: Anyone affiliated with the UA or Daily Wildcat

Main purpose: To inform students about different things on or around campus, in this case, UA Alerts

Contextual details: These articles all complained about the UA Alerts and how they were not working or doing what they said they would, proving that other students are also not happy about this.

7. Source: My friend Ashlee's account of a meeting with President Hart

Author: My friend

Target audience: She told the account to me, so me. But the meeting was directed toward President Hart.

Main purpose: The meeting was for different students in different organizations to express their concerns about things on campus to university staff.

Contextual details: At the end of the meeting all concerns were read back except for Ashlee's (the UA Alert concern). When confronting President Hart about it, Ashlee was told that "someone else would take care of it"

8. Source: Online petition for the alerts

Author: Also my friend Ashlee

Target audience: Anyone that feels that the alerts should be reformed

Main purpose: To gain signatures for the UA Alert cause to bring them to university officials.

Contextual details: My friend created this petition in an attempt to gain awareness for the UA Alert reform

9. Source: UA Alerts themselves

Author: Whoever does the UA Alerts

Target audience: Whoever signed up for the alerts

Main purpose: They are supposed to inform students of possible dangers on and around campus

Contextual details: The only alerts received at this point this year were about power outages and a gas leak. However the events (that I mentioned in previous sources above) were not reported on

10. Source: What students themselves are saying about the alerts

Author: UA students around campus and on social media

Target audience: Whoever these students are having a conversation with

Main purpose: To show that they are not happy with how the UA Alerts are at this present moment, and that they need to be changed

Contextual details: Many students on social media even tagged the university to their tweets complaining about the alerts, showing that there is a large group of people that also agree with the reformation of the alerts.

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