Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer Review for Bianca

Here is my peer review for Bianca's Standard College Essay. I will be talking about the content and the effectiveness of her essay.

To start off, some strengths: I think she has a lot of great information that she has included. It's descriptive and informative for the topic at hand. She meets the purpose of this project by describing her writing process throughout the semester as well as her growth as a writer.

Some suggestions:
- The tone is a little casual, I know it is a personal essay (and therefore can obviously use 3rd person) however it is still a college essay.
- That being said I would take out a lot of the rhetorical questions such as, on the bottom of page 4. I think that sounds too casual for a standard college essay.
- I know this isn't supposed to be about form but I couldn't resist, make sure to get rid of the extra spaces between the paragraphs.

Overall I think Bianca did a great job on this! She definitely met the criteria for the project and I think she has a really good handle on it.

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