Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

This blog has the script for what I'm going to talk about in the beginning of my video after the introduction. This is definitely a rough script because I haven't fully developed it yet, but this is what I've got so far.

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content int he raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

Like I said in the previous post, I also will have background music playing as I talk about this when I put the whole thing together.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

This also went fairly smoothly because I had a lot of examples to use (from blog posts to projects) so that made it easier to have sources to draw from to show exactly what I meant.

Script for the beginning of my video:

The first thing I will be talking about is how my writing process, and writing style overall, has changed throughout the semester. First off, looking at blog posts, the tone I used in the first posts are very different to the tone I would use now. This is because, when I first started with the blog posts I wasn't familiar with blogging at all. So I wrote them more like essays (I think, at least). As the semester went on and I became more comfortable with the blogging process, I became more comfortable with it and began to put my personality into it more as well. Also, my process overall changed when it came to working on projects. For the first project I tried to start working on it without planning everything out first. Although I did fine on that project, I should have planned more. For the second, third, and last project, I definitely did more planning before jumping right into the project itself. That made it so much easier for me to gather my thoughts and have a smoother production week because I already knew what each part of my project was going to say. I felt that overall my writing process became more smooth as the semester continued and I found a process that worked for me because of all of the freedom I had in this course to work in a manner that worked for me. Because the class was laid out like that I was able to find different ways that I personally like to write, rather than the standard writing process most students use in high school, for example.

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