Friday, May 6, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Project 4 is almost complete, yet the tech issues continue. For whatever reason my video will not upload to YouTube, therefore I cannot post it here. I feel as though my priority right now should be editing my rough cut rather than spending time trying to figure out a way to post it here.

Therefore, I decided to just post the script below, because that is content from my video, just not the video itself. Note: The video in its current "rough cut" state is 4 minutes and 33 seconds long.

Some things I want my peer reviewers to know:

Well, obviously you can't see my video but it is done and I'm just trying to work out tech issues.

Weaknesses of my video:

The sound, I'm working on making it sound better than it does right now but it'll be fixed before I turn it in (although you can't see that). But content wise, I just want to make sure that the content is in a  logical order and everything makes sense.

Strengths of my video:

Besides whether or not it is in a logical order, I do think that I have good content that I included that fits the topic of the project and includes everything required.


Hey everyone, my name is Kelly from the U of A and today's video will be discussing my writing process throughout the course of my English 109H class as well as successes and challenges that arose over the duration of this past semester.

Specifically, I will be talking about things such as the blog posts I have written and completed, projects 1 through 3, organization strengths and weaknesses, and strengths and weaknesses of my project content.

Throughout this semester I have seen myself as well as my writing grow exponentially. Although this course was definitely difficult at times, I feel as though overall it helped shape me into a better writer as helping me lean to manage my time better and learn different programs for different projects.

Most importantly, my writing style and process has changed and developed throughout the semester. First off, looking at blog posts, the tone I used in the first posts are very different to the tone I would use now. This is because, when I first started with the blog posts I wasn't familiar with blogging at all. So I feel as though I wrote them more like essays, or more formal writing. 

As the semester went on and I became more comfortable with the blogging process I began to put my personality into the posts more. Also, my process overall changed when it came to working on the projects themselves. For the first project I tried to start working on it without planning everything out first. 

Although I did fine on that project, I should have planned more. Not planning made it very difficult to go back and edit as well as put the project together overall. For the second, third, and last project, I definitely did more planning before jumping right into the project itself.  That made it so much easier for me to gather my thoughts and have a smoother production week because I already knew what each part of my project was going to say or do. 

I felt that overall my writing process became more smooth as the semester continued and I found a process that worked for me because of all of the freedom I had in this course to work in a manner that worked for me. Because the class was laid out like that I was able to find different ways that I personally like to write, rather than the standard writing process most students use in high school, for example. My newfound writing process will now be able to help me all through college and beyond.

Throughout this semester there definitely were strengths and weaknesses I encountered. In areas such as time management, organization, and project content, I had both strengths and weaknesses.

With the topic of time management, I definitely had some difficulties. I remember for the very first project I left all of the blog posts and the rough draft till 3 days before it was all due. Lets just say I never made that big of a time management mistake again.

With the other projects and blog posts after that I still sometimes procrastinated, but I definitely did not have as much time management issue that I did in the beginning. 

That being said, some of the strengths I had with time management came later in the semester. I began getting some (not all) of my blog posts done early, giving myself more buffer room and time for the project itself. The decrease in the number of blog posts halfway through the semester also definitely helped me out with that. 

Organization I have realized is a huge part to the writing process and time management as well.

Again, referring back to project 1, I was definitely not organized. New to the course and new to the kinds of genres we were working in, I was not prepared and wasn’t aware of how much organizing and planning I would have to do.

That being said I definitely was unorganized going into project 1. I didn’t look at the blog posts ahead of time and jumped right into everything without a real plan.

I still managed to get everything done but it would’ve gone much smoother had I created a plan for myself.

However I definitely did have some strengths with organization. For every project after that, I planned what to get done when. Shoutout to the content outline and production schedule blog posts because those definitely helped.

Although I didn’t stick to the production schedule exactly, making it still gave me a sense of what I was going to have to get done, so I was aware ahead of time of how much work I needed to do that week.

Project 1 definitely gave me the most trouble in relation to content. Because the project was to pick and issue and stay completely unbiased on it, that was hard. I am a very opinionated person but that taught me to just tell the facts about the situation.

Also, that project’s topic was so specific that it made it hard to find information and credible sources. Realizing halfway through that I didn’t really like my topic because I wasn’t able to take a stance on it also made the process of getting it done more difficult.

I had picked a QRG for project 1 because I felt as though it was the easiest genre to use for an informational topic.

Thankfully project 2 proved to be more successful. I picked to do a podcast for this project for a very good reason. Interviews. This project was all about interviewing people from my discipline (business) about their writing process.

Although I didn’t end up using the actual audio from the interviews in my podcast, a podcast was still easier to use for this project because I could just speak about what my interviewees said, rather than trying to write it all down.

I definitely enjoyed project 2 more than the first because of the topic itself. It was very cool to be able to interview people from Eller so I’m very glad I got that experience.

Project 3, by far, was my favorite project. The topic pertained to an argument, and as I already said I can be a very opinionated person, so this was right up my alley.

I chose an essay for this project because I felt it was the easiest way to gather my thoughts. Also because project 3 was the most weighted grade wise and between an essay or a video, I’m definitely more comfortable with an essay.

Project 3 was successful all around. I got things done early because I was so excited to rant about my topic, UA Alerts. I was definitely the most proud of that project and I was ecstatic to see that the grade I received reflected the hard work I had put in.

And now we get to this project. The final project of the semester. I feel as though this semester went by way too fast. It’s cliche to say but I really do feel like I just got here.

Through all the ups and downs of this course this semester, I am happy with what I have learned and how my writing process has evolved.

I enjoyed the people in this class as well as learning how to work in different genres and styles. All of the things I did in this class, especially the blog posts, have helped me transform into a better writer that is more comfortable sharing my writing with other people, rather than keeping it to myself and just the person grading it.

Well, that’s all from me. Thank you for tuning into my video!

Peer Review for Bianca

Here is my peer review for Bianca's Standard College Essay. I will be talking about the content and the effectiveness of her essay.

To start off, some strengths: I think she has a lot of great information that she has included. It's descriptive and informative for the topic at hand. She meets the purpose of this project by describing her writing process throughout the semester as well as her growth as a writer.

Some suggestions:
- The tone is a little casual, I know it is a personal essay (and therefore can obviously use 3rd person) however it is still a college essay.
- That being said I would take out a lot of the rhetorical questions such as, on the bottom of page 4. I think that sounds too casual for a standard college essay.
- I know this isn't supposed to be about form but I couldn't resist, make sure to get rid of the extra spaces between the paragraphs.

Overall I think Bianca did a great job on this! She definitely met the criteria for the project and I think she has a really good handle on it.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

The blog post is also comparing a final version to the first version of my video essay script. Again, it is just the script for the same reason I explained in the previous blog post, anyways, enjoy.

1. How did the content change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

I didn't change much between this final version and the first version because I thought I had written it pretty well already. I changed some words here and there as well as expanding on some of my thoughts more. I feel as though the first version was already clear and concise, but the editing I did for the final version makes it even stronger.

2. How did the form change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

Again, you cannot see the form through the block of text but there is also music now playing behind my talking throughout the entire video.

First version:

The first thing I will be talking about is how my writing process, and writing style overall, has changed throughout the semester. First off, looking at blog posts, the tone I used in the first posts are very different to the tone I would use now. This is because, when I first started with the blog posts I wasn't familiar with blogging at all. So I wrote them more like essays (I think, at least). As the semester went on and I became more comfortable with the blogging process, I became more comfortable with it and began to put my personality into it more as well. Also, my process overall changed when it came to working on projects. For the first project I tried to start working on it without planning everything out first. Although I did fine on that project, I should have planned more. For the second, third, and last project, I definitely did more planning before jumping right into the project itself. That made it so much easier for me to gather my thoughts and have a smoother production week because I already knew what each part of my project was going to say. I felt that overall my writing process became more smooth as the semester continued and I found a process that worked for me because of all of the freedom I had in this course to work in a manner that worked for me. Because the class was laid out like that I was able to find different ways that I personally like to write, rather than the standard writing process most students use in high school, for example.

Final version:

The first thing I will be talking about is how my writing process, and writing style overall, has changed and developed throughout the semester. First off, looking at blog posts, the tone I used in the first posts are very different to the tone I would use now. This is because, when I first started with the blog posts I wasn't familiar with blogging at all. So I feel as though I wrote them more like essays, or more formal writing. As the semester went on and I became more comfortable with the blogging process I began to put my personality into the posts more. Also, my process overall changed when it came to working on the projects themselves. For the first project I tried to start working on it without planning everything out first. Although I did fine on that project, I should have planned more. Not planning made it very difficult to go back and edit as well as put the project together overall. For the second, third, and last project, I definitely did more planning before jumping right into the project itself. That made it so much easier for me to gather my thoughts and have a smoother production week because I already knew what each part of my project was going to say or do. I felt that overall my writing process became more smooth as the semester continued and I found a process that worked for me because of all of the freedom I had in this course to work in a manner that worked for me. Because the class was laid out like that I was able to find different ways that I personally like to write, rather than the standard writing process most students use in high school, for example. My newfound writing process will now be able to help me all through college and beyond.

Editorial Report 15a

This blog post is comparing the first and final versions of different parts of my project. Although I am doing a video for this project, I have only included the scripts here because I didn't want to chance messing up my video by cutting a single piece out to upload. Anyways, the parts of the script are below.

1. How did the content change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?

I completely changed the wording and some content for my opening. I did this because as I re-read the first version, I didn't like how it sounded at all. So I tried to make it more descriptive as well as interesting, as compared to my first version.

2. How did the form change when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?

Although you cannot see the form through just the script, I added music to the background of the final version, which was not there in the first.

First version:

Hey everyone, Kelly Reager here from the University of Arizona. This video will be describing how my writing process has changed throughout the semester as well as successes and challenges that happened in this course over the duration of the past few months. Specifically, I will be talking about things such as the blog posts I completed, the projects, time management, organization, and project content.

Final version:

Hey everyone, my name is Kelly Reager from the University of Arizona and today's video will be discussing my writing process throughout the course of my English 109H class as well as successes and challenges that arose in this class over the duration of the past semester. Specifically, I will be talking about things such as the blog posts I have written and completed, projects 1 through 3, organization strengths and weaknesses, and strengths and weaknesses of my project content.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Research Report

This blog post pertains to the 10 sources I will be using to develop my project in the upcoming weeks. For this topic it is difficult to find 10 sources to use but I did my best with what I had. Even if I do not have 10 excellent sources I think I can still make a good argument for this project because of how strongly I feel about this topic.

Also, even though I am doing a video essay for this project, I am unable to find any videos about this topic because of how specific it is. Since it is such a local issue no one has made a video about it.

1. Source: The UA Alert information page. This webpage is copyrighted by the "Arizona Board of Regents." This webpage can be found off of the main University of Arizona website.

Author: There is no specific author listed for this webpage, but as stated above, it is copyrighted by the "Arizona Board of Regents." Obviously, however, this information was provided and written by someone at the university. Although there is no listed author, this is a reliable source because I am talking about UA Alerts and the official page for the alerts is extremely reliable and beneficial to my project.

Target audience: The target audience of this webpage is anyone wanting to learn more about the UA Alert system. Typically this would be students, faculty, or parents because no one else would really need to know what is happening on campus.

Main purpose: The main purpose of this webpage is to inform people of what the UA Alerts (are supposed to) do. For example, one of the FAQ's listed is "What types of events activate the UA Alert text messaging system?" Another question asked is "How do I sign up for UA Alert?" These questions show that the information provided on this website is about the UA Alert system.

Contextual details: A main contextual detail that proves that this is a reliable source is the fact that it is directly affiliated with the University of Arizona.

2. Source: My personal emails

Author: Me

Target audience: The person I sent the email to (Chris Sigurdson)

Main purpose: To obtain more information about the UA Alerts and why they weren't working

Contextual details: I emailed Chris about the UA Alerts and concerns I had about them, he replied with an unsatisfactory response, and when I responded again, I was ignored.

3. Source: Event that happened across the street from campus (shooting)

Author: Different news stations and social media

Target audience: People around the UA campus

Main purpose: To inform about the shooting that took place

Contextual details: I am using this as a source because the UA Alert system did not notify students about this incident when the website said that it should.

4. Source: Another event that happened on campus (sexual assault)

Author: Crime tab on UA website

Target audience: Whoever can locate that tab themselves

Main purpose: To inform about crimes on campus

Contextual details: I found this information on a "crime alert" tab on the UAPD website, however this tab does not actually alert anyone to anything.

5. Source: Event on campus (robbery at knife point at building on campus)

Author: Crime alert tab

Target audience: Same as #4

Main purpose: Same as #4

Contextual details: Same as #4

6. Source: Articles on the Daily Wildcat website

Author: Different students around campus

Target audience: Anyone affiliated with the UA or Daily Wildcat

Main purpose: To inform students about different things on or around campus, in this case, UA Alerts

Contextual details: These articles all complained about the UA Alerts and how they were not working or doing what they said they would, proving that other students are also not happy about this.

7. Source: My friend Ashlee's account of a meeting with President Hart

Author: My friend

Target audience: She told the account to me, so me. But the meeting was directed toward President Hart.

Main purpose: The meeting was for different students in different organizations to express their concerns about things on campus to university staff.

Contextual details: At the end of the meeting all concerns were read back except for Ashlee's (the UA Alert concern). When confronting President Hart about it, Ashlee was told that "someone else would take care of it"

8. Source: Online petition for the alerts

Author: Also my friend Ashlee

Target audience: Anyone that feels that the alerts should be reformed

Main purpose: To gain signatures for the UA Alert cause to bring them to university officials.

Contextual details: My friend created this petition in an attempt to gain awareness for the UA Alert reform

9. Source: UA Alerts themselves

Author: Whoever does the UA Alerts

Target audience: Whoever signed up for the alerts

Main purpose: They are supposed to inform students of possible dangers on and around campus

Contextual details: The only alerts received at this point this year were about power outages and a gas leak. However the events (that I mentioned in previous sources above) were not reported on

10. Source: What students themselves are saying about the alerts

Author: UA students around campus and on social media

Target audience: Whoever these students are having a conversation with

Main purpose: To show that they are not happy with how the UA Alerts are at this present moment, and that they need to be changed

Contextual details: Many students on social media even tagged the university to their tweets complaining about the alerts, showing that there is a large group of people that also agree with the reformation of the alerts.

Peer Review for Eyal

Here is my peer review for Eyal's Content Outline. I think he has a great start so far for this project but here are some tips to make it even stronger!

I think the outline meets the purpose of the project overall. However something I noticed is that the first and second body sections may run together so make sure that the same things aren't repeated in both! Also, maybe for the last section (since it is undecided) strengths and weaknesses of your writing in the course or your writing process could be evaluated? Something like that.

Overall I think Eyal has a great handle on this project so far and his content outline will definitely help him develop his project next week.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

This blog has the script for what I'm going to talk about in the beginning of my video after the introduction. This is definitely a rough script because I haven't fully developed it yet, but this is what I've got so far.

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content int he raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

Like I said in the previous post, I also will have background music playing as I talk about this when I put the whole thing together.

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

This also went fairly smoothly because I had a lot of examples to use (from blog posts to projects) so that made it easier to have sources to draw from to show exactly what I meant.

Script for the beginning of my video:

The first thing I will be talking about is how my writing process, and writing style overall, has changed throughout the semester. First off, looking at blog posts, the tone I used in the first posts are very different to the tone I would use now. This is because, when I first started with the blog posts I wasn't familiar with blogging at all. So I wrote them more like essays (I think, at least). As the semester went on and I became more comfortable with the blogging process, I became more comfortable with it and began to put my personality into it more as well. Also, my process overall changed when it came to working on projects. For the first project I tried to start working on it without planning everything out first. Although I did fine on that project, I should have planned more. For the second, third, and last project, I definitely did more planning before jumping right into the project itself. That made it so much easier for me to gather my thoughts and have a smoother production week because I already knew what each part of my project was going to say. I felt that overall my writing process became more smooth as the semester continued and I found a process that worked for me because of all of the freedom I had in this course to work in a manner that worked for me. Because the class was laid out like that I was able to find different ways that I personally like to write, rather than the standard writing process most students use in high school, for example.

Production Report 14a

This blog post contains the script of what I'm going to say in the beginning of my video for the final project.

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content int he raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

Because this is only the script you can't tell how I used the form, but, in the actual video there will be background music as well as some text at the very beginning (undecided what it will say yet).

2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The production of this went smoothly. It's definitely easier creating an intro for something that is about me. Because I know myself better than any other topic so it is the easiest thing to talk about.

Script for my intro:

Hey everyone, Kelly Reager here from the University of Arizona. This video will be describing how my writing process has changed throughout the semester as well as successes and challenges that happened in this course over the duration of the past few months. Specifically, I will be talking about things such as the blog posts I completed, the projects, time management, organization, and project content.

Production Schedule

This blog post is about the things I will need to get done next week before the project is due.

1. What is to be done: Open post to peer reviews

Location: In my dorm room

Date and time: Hopefully on or before this Wednesday night

Resources: my computer, audio, video, etc.

Completed: By Thursday at the latest

2. What is to be done: Editorial report 15a

Location: In my dorm room

Date and time: Hopefully on or before this Wednesday night

Resources: My computer, rough cut, etc.

Completed: By Thursday at the latest

3. What is to be done: Editorial report 15b

Location: My dorm room

Date and time: Hopefully on or before this Wednesday night

Resources: My computer, rough cut, etc.

Completed: By Thursday at the latest

4. What is to be done: Peer review 15

Location: My dorm room

Date and time: By the due date

Resources: My computer

Completed: By the due date

5. What is to be done: Final version of the actual video project

Location: My dorm room or the library (depending on if my roommate is around when I'm working)

Date and time: Before the deadline Friday

Resources: My computer, audio, video, etc.

Completed: By the deadline

Content Outline

This blog post is about the content outline for the final project in this class. This project pertains to my personal writing process and growth throughout the semester in this course.

- Introduction
- Music
- Text

First body section:
- How my writing has evolved
     - Examples from the beginning of the semester to the end
          - Especially blog posts
     - Different things that changed my writing process
          - Different kinds of projects, blogs, etc.

Second body section:
- Strengths of my writing and assignments during this semester
     - Examples of good writing examples from projects (things I think I did well)
     - Time management strengths
     - Organization strengths
     - Project content strengths

Third body section:
-Weaknesses of my writing and assignments during this semester
     - Examples of writing examples from projects that I think I could have done better
     - Time management weaknesses
     - Organization weaknesses
     - Project content that could have been better

Closing section:
- Wrap up by summarizing how this semester went overall
- Talk about what this class taught me