Saturday, January 30, 2016

Evaluation of New York Times Stories

The two stories I chose from the New York Times to focus on are "22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public" and "G.O.P. Debate Without Trump Draws 12.5 Million Viewers" I chose to write about these because politics is something that interests me and these specific stories in particular caught my eye.

Pete Linforth, "Top Secret, Report, File, Secret" December 2015 via pixabay. Public Domain Dedication

1. Does there seem to be a "main character" or "protagonist" to the story? If so, who is it and how are they are the "center" of the story? If not, are there any important or central characters in the stoy at all? What role do they play?

Clinton article- The "main character" of the first news article is Hillary Clinton. This is because the entirety of this article concerns the deemed "classified" emails sent from Hillary Clinton's personal email. There are also quotes from other people in the article as well, including Marco Rubio, Brian Fallon, Dianne Feinstein, and more.

Trump article- The "main character" of the second news article appears to be about Donald Trump, but is more about the numbers and factual information about the debates as a whole. Donald Trump is the central character, however, because these statistics were brought about because of his lack of appearance at the last Republican debate.

2. Where do the specific events in the story take place? Is there a specific setting? Describe the settings for the stories and how they influence the plot and characters.

Clinton article- There is no real "setting" in this story because it talks simply about her email server. However the email server is a huge influence on the plot of the story because of the fact that it was a private server that sent the "classified" emails. This affects the characters because it appears to be against Hillary Clinton and not supporting her, however the story also includes quotes from Democrats supporting Clinton.

Trump article- Similar to the Clinton article, the Trump article has no real "setting" as well. The setting could be seen at news stations such as Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC because that is where the majority of the statistical numbers are coming from.

3. Is there any kind of disagreement or debate happening in the story? If so, who is particiapting, why are people debating and what seems to be at stake for the different characters in the story?

Clinton article- This article contains a huge debate that has been going on for quite some time now. The debate is over Hillary Clinton's email scandal, where she sent out classified emails from her personal server during her time as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The people participating in this story are supporters and opposers of Hillary Clinton. The main thing at stake, according to this news story, is not only Hillary Clinton's reputation, but also her chances at becoming president in the upcoming election of 2016. This is because Hillary Clinton could be federally persecuted for this offense.

Trump article- This article is more informative about factual information, instead of posing an issue about a debate. The story simply talks about how the viewers of this last Republican debate compare to others, and how much coverage Trump's Iowa campaign received at the same time that the debate was on.

"Donald Trump, Donald, Trump" November 2015 via pixabay. Public Domain Dedication

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