Sunday, January 31, 2016

Evaluation of General Sources

My topic is the debate over raising the minimum wage. I am still working on narrowing it down further than that, so for now I am using sources that talk about this debate as a whole so I can get a better idea about my topic before I narrow it down even more. The two sources I'm using are and

"Saving, Piggy, Piggy Bank, Money" July 2013 via pixabay. Public Domain Dedication


Fortune article-

CNBC article-


Fortune article- The author of this article is Claire Zillman. When I clicked on her name on it simply said she is a writer for them. She has also written four other articles about various topics.

CNBC article- The author of this article is Kate Rogers. When I clicked on her name on it told me that she joined CNBC in September of 2014 and covers small business and entrepreneurship stories.

Last Updated:

Fortune article- This article was last updated on September 16, 2015. This shows me that it is a recent enough article to be credible for this project and be relevant to the topic I am focusing on.

CNBC article- This article was last updated on September 4, 2015. Like the Fortune article, this is also a reliable article to use.


Fortune article- The purpose of this article is to explain what presidential candidate Ben Carson proposed as his solution to the debate over the minimum wage. His solution is to raise the minimum wage every year (staying parallel with inflation) forever, basically, so this is never an issue again.

CNBC article- The purpose of this article is to explain what different people, republicans and democrats, think about what the minimum wage should be raised to as well as if it should be raised at all. Also the article talks about small businesses and what they provide/pay their employees.


Fortune article- The only graphic on this page is a picture of Ben Carson.

CNBC article- There are two graphics on this page. Both are videos that talk about the minimum wage.

Position on Subject:

Fortune article- This article appears to be more informative on Ben Carson's proposal rather than taking a side. However it appears that the article is in favor of his plan because it states that Ben Carson "veered into liberal territory" with this plan and that it is radical because it "is coming from a Republican."

CNBC article- This article is definitely in favor of raising the minimum wage by the tone of how the author is writing. However this article also just focuses, instead of debating, on what the minimum wage should be raised to, and what other business owners/politicians believe it should be raised to.


Fortune article- These are the links this article provides: according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, established in 1938, and 2013 bill introduced by Congressional Democrats.

CNBC article- This article only provided one link within the reading which was mid-term ballot measures. However the article provided one "read more" links which was LA union wants to be exempt from the $15 minimum wage.

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